Well all day today Nov. 7 I though about writing about Venus in Libra..because Venus is in Libra now from October 28 – November 21
because I was born with Venus in Libra so know very well how she operates
and I am thinking about ART because Venus in Libra rules artists! and I notice that my article on Artist Salvador Dali is always popular,
I also want to write about Frida Kahlo one of my favourite artists whose show is on now in Toronto at the Art Gallery of Ontario,
and my husband, artist Napoleon Brousseau is getting ready to have a new art show opening in a few days.
I was also noting the Moon crossing Fixed Star Regulus NOW at ZERO degrees VIRGO
the Traditional Fixed Star of Royalty of KINGS and Queens left LEO after a 2,000 year stay and entered Virgo earlier this year in Western Tropical astrology for another 2,000 plus year stay! No small matter. A Fixed Star changing signs is HUGE!
which also very powerfully indicates to me the rise of the FEMININE as Virgo is a Feminine EARTH sign.
So our Leaders should be more DOWN to EARTH, practical, less Regal and above the crowd.
also note Prince William marrying a commoner who could one day be Queen.
Then I saw Bram Stoker, Dracula author being honored on Google search engine home page on the 165th Anniversary of his birth today Nov. 8
Then I decided to quickly check into the Vampire author’s astrology chart.
Yes yes I know all you Twilight fans are getting ready for the last and hopefully final installment of the modern take on Dracula/Vampires re-written by Stephanie Meyer.
I used midnight birth time for Bram Stoker, more Vampire like.
Bram was born in Dublin, an ancient city known for its many a famous Irish Bards like James Joyce of Ulysses fame. U2 as well.
I had a U2 song suddenly start playing in my head earlier in the evening, You know how these things work don’t you?
Stoker born with the Sun at exactly 15 degrees of Scorpio where it is the strongest. He was also born on a NEW MOON, a dark moon,a scary Moon. As a Scorpio, a double Scorpio- with Sun and Moon conjunct he would naturally be attracted to the SCORPIO Dark Side with all things forbidden, taboo, sex, death, power, lust, transformation.
The Gothic horror novel of which he wrote a few was originally published in 1897.
I was wondering why I was off topic from my intention when I saw that Bram also has VENUS in LIBRA.LOL. Well You gotta trust the Universe.
Venus is at 5 degrees Libra. Stoker also has the North Node at 9 degrees Libra conjunct Lillith at 12 degree. Lillith was known as a succubus, night hag, a monster who drank men’s semen in nocturnal dreams, who was blamed by the Patriarchy for doing her own thing, for being independent, for thinking for herself, for basically disobeying G*d. Perhaps Lillith was Stoker’s original idea for Dracula?
With the Midnight hour birth time what degree is Ascending?
Zero degrees of Virgo, which I thought about earlier today..Hmmm
The midnight chart puts Stoker’s SCORPIO Sun Moon exactly at the Bottom, on the IC, the Midnight of the chart itself.
Uranus right now is exactly opposing Stoker’s birth Venus.
So perhaps a Uranian surprise honor or a tie in to modern Twilight publicity.
The first film version of Dracula to make a big impression was the 1922 German Expressionist Horror film classic Nosferatu: a Symphony of Horror directed by F.W. Murnau. Names had to be changed from Dracula as the right to the original novel could not be obtained.
the original film VAMPIRE 1922
Played by Actor Max Schreck, pictured above from the film DRACULA there is also name destiny here. Something I firmly believe in.
The word Schreck is Yiddish, which is actually 15th Century German for FEAR or fright.
The name was also used as a title for the children’s book modernized as Shrek published in 1990 by William Steig about a young ogre who finds the ogre of his dreams when he leaves home to see the world. The book served as the basis for the popular Shrek film series over a decade after its publication.
I will get down to Art and venus in Libra next installment